A continued partnership between Wood River Community YMCA (Wood River Y), Wood River Farmers’ Market (WRFM) and Local Food Alliance (LFA) provides a healthy incentive to purchase fresh nutritious locally grown food.

Now through October 10, 2019, shoppers who purchase $15 or more of unprepared food at the Ketchum or Hailey Wood River Farmers’ Markets will be rewarded with a free day pass (or additional guest pass for active members) to the Wood River Y. Vouchers (limit one per customer) can be picked up at the red WRFM tent with valid proof of purchase (you can simply show your purchase) and redeemed at the Wood River Y (101 Saddle Road in Ketchum) within one year.

The vouchers are valued at $6 for youth (age 18 and under) and $16 for adults –the standard price of a day pass to the Wood River Y.

Wood River Farmers’ Market operates Tuesdays in the lower parking lot of River Run (base of Bald Mountain in West Ketchum) and Thursdays in Hailey (grassy lot north of Sturtevants off Main Street and across the street from Sun Valley Brewery) through October 10. Market hours are 2pm to 6pm.

"The YMCA is excited to continue our collaboration with the farmers' market and LFA. We had such a great response from our involvement last year, it was a no brainer to continue our partnership this year. The Y is committed to strengthening our communities thru youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Adding accessibility to fresh-from-the-farm food and local art makes our community stronger," says Mary Williams, director of healthy living at the Wood River Y.    

"Partnering with the Wood River Y and the Local Food Alliance to enable the great incentive of a free day at the Y by buying fresh local food is a big win in our book," says Kelly Eisenbarger, Wood River Valley Farmers’ Market manager. “It’s a very popular program. I hand out a ton of vouchers every year.”


People who shop our local farmers’ markets enjoy the health benefits of fresh, nutritious food produced without pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and genetic modification. They support local and regional farmers using high-quality sustainable agriculture practices that protect our soil, water and air, as well as promote animal welfare. Purchasing locally and regionally grown food also minimizes waste and the environmental impact of long-distance shipping. It is a win for community health, our local economy and ecological sustainability.

Stacy Whitman

Stacy Whitman co-founded Local Food Alliance in 2014 out of a desire to improve community food and health.