Jeri Howland

Director of Philanthropy at The Climate Center

Jeri Howland is a fundraising leader and entrepreneur who has raised millions for climate causes and education. She is the Director of Philanthropy at The Climate Center, for bold CA climate policy. She served for eight years as Director of Development for Rainforest Action Network, for 13 years as Chief of Advancement at Katherine Delmar Burke School, and as the Chief of Development at a college-prep charter school management group, Envision Schools, before turning to consulting for Academy Award documentary filmmaker Louie Psihoyos (The Cove, Racing Extinction, Game Changers), POW (Protect Our Winters), even Sun Valley Institute! She’s drawn to missions that include climate change, social justice, education, and resilience. 

Before fundraising, Jeri worked in local food system work (San Francisco Bay Area)  and taught on an organic farm at Putney School in VT, her home state. She co-founded San Francisco’s first “certified” farmers market, sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee in 1981. This market was the seedling of today’s popular farmers markets throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. She also co-founded SLUG, the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, from the beginning of what we know today as the food sustainability movement. Jeri is the founder and CEO of bungalow munch organic granola. It’s 100% organic, wheat-free, and vegan. Jeri did her graduate studies at UC Berkeley School of Public Health for a Masters in Public Health Nutrition. While she’s also the finisher of 21 Ironman triathlons and champion of 7, she’s the proudest of her work/personal life balance act and has never once considered giving up her activism.

Jeri and her husband, Jerry Edelbrock, live full-time in the Wood River Valley, as does their daughter and her family. When Jeri is not working, she enjoys trail running, nordic skiing, sunrise mountain tops, playing with two grandchildren, baking and cooking for family and friends, gardening, and reading.